Beauty is only skin deep.....

They say that beauty is only skin deep and studies have shown that the average consumer uses 10 different skin care products on his or her body every day. 

Cleansing is a large part of consumer spending and despite the growth in popularity of liquid soap; worldwide sales of soap bars are still number one and growing in sales. In the UK alone 7% of consumers buy a bar of soap each week, but as many as 21% buy once a month with sales reaching £83 million in 2013.  

The sales of natural soaps with better functionality than mass produced soaps have been a large part of this growth, these soaps providing much more than the practical use for soap. Each provides sensory experiences including scent, textures and high value natural ingredients providing additional benefits to skin that mass produced products fail to achieve. Mintel’s Global New Products Database (GNPD) is the industry gold standard for new product trends and innovation and shows that that natural soap bars accounted for a mere 2% of total soap bar launches in 2008 but that has grown to as many as 5% of launches between January-July 2014 alone.

Cliffe House Organics have launched their range to add more value to the consumer, not only cleansing and skin-conditioning, but improving the user’s mood. Cliffe House Organics soaps not only emphasise the natural ingredients through scent, colour and texture but also by using aromatherapy throughout the essential oils to create a sense of wellbeing. 

The demand for healthy, natural, organic and safe products, from food to personal care, has increased rapidly over the past few years. We have developed our 100% natural product lines by working closely with ingredient suppliers to create the safest and consumer friendly soaps so that you can be assured you are doing the same for your guests.